Monday, November 29, 2010

Student Council Meetings #2 and #3

Meeting #2 started off with discussing the blog, and there was a lot of positive feedback, so we're glad that so far, the blog is working out, but its up to you guys, the students, to also spread the word about the Student Council blog. Unfortunately, the next open spot for the Xavier Food Pantry is not until June, so Student Council will not be participating in the food pantry until then. We then started to talk about "Deck the Halls" and tried to figure out how to make it more fair this year. This year we're planning to do "Deck the Café", and designated homerooms would get together on their assigned days and decorate together. The incentive to come, besides having a great time, would also be the homeroom with the highest attendance gets a prize, it is not yet decided whether it will be a free dress down day or small party.

In Meeting #3 we decided that we will have 4 different homerooms decorate the cafeteria in a series of 3 days. The original days that were chosen clashed however with other activities that were going on in the cafeteria at the same time, so the only open days for decorating the cafeteria are the December 2,3,10,16, or 17. We want to keep the days together so there are going to be two designated days instead of three. Below are secretary notes that Natalie helpfully took which outline everything:
-The homeroom representatives will have to attend the day their homeroom decorates the cafeteria and will be in charge of attendance. 
- While the decorating goes on, we will be having a bake sale in the cafeteria for Tara’s cause. Her mother is willing to attend.
- When decorating the cafeteria, we will have different committees.
- $205 were collected from the Student Council Tag Day, we will use that money for decorations and for the winners.

All of these meetings were great and everyone really co-operated together and took in the ideas and feedback of others. Thank you Student Council members for being so supportive, and also the Students, who we encourage to ask us any questions, and give us feedback at our e-mail,
-Student Council =)

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