Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Hi everyone! As all of you may know, the Carnival is coming up this Thursday! On the post below is the Carnival map which shows all the different tables and booths which will be present (click on the picture to get a bigger image). The entrance to the Carnival will be located on the West side of the building (near the main entrance) and everyone who comes in gets 10 free tickets and will have their hand stamped. All booths cost 2 tickets, and for all games, winners will recieve 4 tickets. The Awareness Project will be having a Bake Sale whose funds will be donated to the National Organization for Women (NOW), which is an organization that has been taking action for women's equality since 1966. At the Pie in the Face table, put in a quarter or any amount of money in for an E-Board member, Ms.Becker, or Mr.Weeks so they might pied in the face! Anyone who puts in any amout of money will recieve a ticket which will be put in a raffle so they might have the chance to pie one of the three winners! At 4:30, the three Student Council members who have the most money in their envelope at the Pie in the Face Table will get pied in the face! The Carnival will start at 3:00 and will end at 4:25. We hope to see all of you there! =)

Carnival: March 29th (Thursday)!